After sunries, went back to hostel, ate breakfast and checked-out. Waited for the bus of Wicklow tour at the tourist centre. The bus went back to O'Connell street to pick up other people. The guide said Dublin has as many taxi as in New York. Quite impossible, but noticed that the taxi at Dublin looks very different. Then I realised that the taxi are actually private cars in any maker and any model. Even the Madza 3 and Toyota Prius became taxi at Dublin.
The Wicklow Mountain National Park. Look at the colour of the water, dont confuse it with Guinness.. hehe... it is the mineral make up the colour of the water...
The scenery at Wicklow mountain. It is also the scene of filming the movie "PS I Love You". Didnt watch that movie before I went to Ireland. After coming back from Ireland, searched the movie online and watched it. It is a very nice love story. For anybody wants to go to Wicklow, please watch the movie before going.

My face looks so numb cos it is freezing cold out there, the wind was blowing like hell.
The Lake of Guinness. The lake was bought by Guinness family because the shape and the water colour of the lake looks like a pint of Guinness. The family put some sand at the west of the lake making it looks like the bubble form at the top of a pint of Guinness.
Where we stopped and had lunch.
A traditional Irish pub.
How can an Irish pub without Guinness...
The Irish stew again
and the Irish coffee... the bottom is the burned sugar, the middle layer is Irish whisky and the top layer is coffee. It is not meant to be stirred, but drunken directly like that. The whisky is so strong, but it was good in cold mountain weather.
Tour continued, yup we took pictures at a commentary, hopefully wont see anything special in our pictures.
The upper lake and the lower lake...
Back to Dublin city and had dinner before heading to airport. This time I got to try the true boxty. The boxty is actually the potato pancake with different filling. My filling was lamb stew.
Time to say goodbye to the lovely Ireland...
My flight was on the next morning 6.30am. To save the hostel fee, I went to airport at 11pm and spent my night at the airport. Surprised too meet so many ppl like me spending a night at airport. Everybody slept at the cafe sofa after they closed down at 12pm but was awaken up by the staff on 4am when they were about to open. Anyway, gained another bagpacking airport sleeping experience.
Got back to Manchester on the next morning and had to rush to Birmingham meeting up with marina and kemhan for our gathering and farewell.