Wednesday 28 October 2009

Jet lag on ground... awaken up by surpirses...

At 2am on 25th Oct 2009, the clock went back one hour to 1am as the end of daylight saving time (DST) in UK. It also officially indicates that we are going into winter. Cold... cold.. cold... For those do not know what is DST, you can refer to the Wikipedia link below

cos the clock went back 1 hour earlier, it means we got 1 hour extra time, you can wake up 1 hour later than usual but you are still on time. It is kind of jet lag feeling but actually you never got on the flight. Nowadays I normally wake up naturally at 10am, but when i woke up on sunday morning, the time showing in my laptop was 9am. What a wonderful DST, awaking naturally from sleeping and yet the world tell you that you are actually one hour earlier than the day before. But it did affect me a little bit, like feeling hungry at 5.30pm, feeling very sleepy at 12am.

Anyway, i went to bed on about 12am, but i didn't sleep straight away instead i watched a movie by putting my laptop beside me (i sleep on floor while living at this house). As usual, after 15 min, the movie is watching me sleeping. Upon awaking up in the next morning, i like to lie on bed and checking things online cos my laptop is jst beside me. If there is nothing special, normally i would try to sleep a little bit more (yup... i'm lazy bug...). When i was about to do that on Monday morning, my mobile rang, the caller number is from Bahrain. I straight away woke up and received the call, the HR from the company told me to check email later as they were sending the job offer letter to me. What a surprise!!! I thought I have already lost that job. Now the job is coming back to me. But it is not necessary a good news for me. I have made up my mind to go back and start my career again in msia or spore. Beside career, there are other personal considerations made up this decision as well. This job offer again confused me for my future. What should I do...???


  1. aiyyoyo.... have no notification for new blog update... 要勤劳的来view 吗? or be the follower will do??
    ANYWAY, ah Feei ge, ah Feei xue zhang, JIA YOU BA!!

  2. i'm not sure about how the follower work.. maybe u can try to be a follower...!!!

  3. Aiyyooy.. mafan lo.. must sign in with google, AIM, openID, netlog or yahoo then baru then can be ur follower...
    next time lo.. as i dont have them.. hahaha
